Tuesday, March 29, 2005

End of March Madness

With a weekend of rest and powerful drugs, I have recovered from said illness at least until I almost died of asphyxiation from the UK vs Michigan St game. I still think UofL will not only make it to the final game, but win +7 -- out on that limb against all those who believe UNC will take it all. Just wait and see how Pitino weakens that inside strength

My Sunday chat was interesting (to me anyway) was more of the same...just more depth. Our conversation did wonder to Terri Schiavo...to which it is my understanding that she is officially brain dead, and that her body functions (breathing, sleep cycles, ect...) are being performed by her brain stem/spinal cord. If that is the case (medically verifiable) then there is nothing left to 'kill' because she is already dead. If that is not the case, then it becomes a battle of credibility of what her wishes were about how she should live. In either case, it has caused me to take a prolonged look into what I would want...prompting a living will stating that I do not want to live in that fashion. In addition, I intend to put a clause in there giving my wife full and binding legal authority over what she thinks is best in any given situation that I am unable to respond. (that should end family battles)

I completed the first book of the HHGG, and now on to 'The restaurant at the end of the Universe' my countdown is taking too long *hehe*

24 was rather slow, but gave plenty of detail for next weeks mishaps -- defiantly one to tape and re-watch.

I downloaded a CSS editor for Firefox -- will have to try that out a bit laters ;)