Wednesday, April 13, 2005

We are!

So I'm sitting there eating my lunch waiting for my co-worker (sales dude) when I see this guy walking down the street. Now I know everybody has seen this guy. You know the one...shoulders back, artificially puffing his chest out, nose pointed toward the third star on the right, arm swinging just so.

Anyway, so this guy's walking, right. I start to hear his theme (bowchicka-bow.waunt-chickachickabow.waunt) when he stumbles over a break in the pavement. He takes a couple of recovery steps, and back to his coolness -- yeah, whatever.

Then, here comes sales dude -- walking the exact same way! I couldn't help but laugh. He joins me, and I'm telling him to chill a bit -- nobody really cares how cool you think you are, I mean nobody worth talking about anyway. Now I have to sit and listen to him go on and on about how perfect he is in every possible way. Then he does it...he asks me "don't you think I'm perfect" ( at this point, he probably should have listened when I told people about my stance of "do not ask the question unless you are prepared for the answer" -- he was not prepared.

Listen...there 10 basic people in the world...those that are enlightened and those that are not. The enlightened people know that everybody is just a little fucked up. For the people who just said "not me" to their screens...yes, you too! So relax! Just do it...every (sorry-I get carried away sometimes...or at least should be)

Let your freak flag fly high!