Thursday, May 19, 2005


It is that time of year again. That's right...finale time for our favorite TV shows!

So last night I'm sitting there watching Smallvile where there are finally going to wrap up over three seasons of story building. That's right, the three stones not of this earth...the elements of another world. All three found, and now in Clarks possession -- as I had predicted...the three combine to form the crystal that he uses to create his palace (in the beginning of the first movie). Make it through all the drama...there he is, in the snow...he throws the crystal..and . 'To be continued' Arrhrhrhhghgr! Come on...I mean, I know that they want a cliff-hanger and all -- but they could have hung us off a different cliff!

At this rate, 24 will end with Jack getting shot. Grrrr.