Monday, June 06, 2005


It's been so long since I've done this....I'm not sure if I remember how :eek: ;)
So much going on...there just is not enough words to describe. Memorial day has come and gone with the thought of posts long forgotten. I have been working hard to satisfy my countdown so that I may be released from this gilded cage.

At special request, I digress....back to Smallville. Where Lionel and Lex Luthor argue over the elements...Lionel tells Lex that he gave his piece to Lana, knowing that she is the key to it all. Lex disagrees. So Genevieve confronts Lana in her apartment. The two fight and Lanas inner sorceress kills her by plunging one of the stones of knowledge into Genevieve's chest. When she looks up she sees Lex standing in the doorway. About that time, Clark has a nightmare and wakes up screaming "it's coming." A meteor shower is headed Earth's way. *insert dramatic music here*

Lex comforts Lana and tells her she can't go to the police. He'll help her get a great lawyer and deal with the crisis. Later, Lionel shows up and blackmails his son. He wants the stone lana has and if he doesn't get it, he'll turn Lana in. Lois finds out that her sister is missing, so she tells the Kents that she's heading to Europe to try and find her sister. She helps Clark get ready for graduation and the two make up for all their bickering during the year in a really sweet hallmark moment. Clark tells her she should go into journalism, but she shrugs it off saying she'd end up sitting across the desk of some dorky guy.

Clark and Chloe graduate, but Lana doesn't show up. Half way through the ceremony the national guard rolls in and tells everyone a meteor shower is coming and they have to evacuate immediately. Chloe and Lois go looking for Lana, but not after another one of Choe's 'hints' about Clarks abilities...he's all like "what, and I'm not normal?" Back down on the farm, Clark tells his parents he has to be the reason the meteors are coming again...He has to do something...he just has to! Before he can, Lex talks to him about the caves. He says that his science team has found a hidden room and wants to know if Clark knows about it (knowing full well he does as he stole some of Clark's research to find the room) -- well and because Clark told him. Clark tells him he doesn't and Lex leaves knowing Clark is lying to him (poor poor Lex). Clark goes to the caves and talks to Jor-El who tells him mankind awakened the trouble by getting blood on the stones. The only way to save Smallville and himself is for Clark to get all three stones of knowledge and connect them (Oh yeah, there's a shocker!).

Clark tells his parents he has to stay behind and combine the stones. Johnathan reluctantly agrees with a touching 'I trust my son' moment and Clark heads into the barn where he finds Lana waiting for him. She gives him the stone and tells him she loves him. He replies he loves her too, and they play kissey-face for a bit, asking him to trust her, Lana turns and leaves. Lex tries to get Lana to give him the stone, but she refuses...Lex don't like that -- so he keeps calling it 'the murder weapon'.

Martha and Jonathan are about to leave the farm when Jason pulls up bloodied and upset (probably from being shot and dropped off a cliff). He pulls out a shotgun and demands to know where Clark is, like that is going to happen. Clark places the stone Lana gave him next to the one he already had in the cave. Lionel is telling Lex that he doesn't know where the third stone is, but as soon as Clark combines the other two, they both glow and so does the one that Lionel has in his coat pocket. Lionel has a seizure and drops to the floor. Lex puts the stone in his safe. Remember the noise from the season opener? Well, Clark is able to follow a piercing noise to the stone, but when he grabs it he's affected by all the kryptonite in the artifacts around it -- yup, those same artifacts that were in China :eek: and he falls helpless to the floor.

Jason holds the Kents hostage and demands to know where the stones are, Johnathan puts up quite a fight. Lex finds out Lana doesn't have the stone anymore and puts her on a helicopter to Metropolis. Chloe heads to the mansion to try and find Lana and instead finds Clark unconscious on the floor. She drags him away from the kryptonite and he super speeds away just as Lex walks in. Chloe says she's looking for Lana but Lex notices the stone is missing and demands to know who took it. Chloe feigns ignorance, but Lex sees thought the lie and drags her to the caves.

Jason is about ready to kill the Kents when the meteor shower his. The farm house is hit directly, with Jason and the Kents inside. Clark is able to save some people, but the town is hit hard and several people die. The helicopter Lana is in is hit and crashes into a field.

Clark makes it to the caves and places the final stone in place. It forms a diamond shape crystal and levitates into the air. Chloe tells Lex to be careful, and pushes him into a wall, and witnesses Clark grab the shape. Lex gets into the room just in time to watch a flash of light, and Clark disappears. He reappears in an Arctic snow field with nothing but snow and mountains in sight. Clark hurls the stone across the horizon....and it ends...just ends! Grrrrr! :mad:

Lana is alive but injured and crawls to a crater that contains a large spaceship in the same diamond shape as the now combined stones....and it starts to open.
Alrighty then...we can check Smallville right off -- WooHoo :D
In other news, the directors cut of Highlander has never before seen footage, Anakin thinks he can fly like Superman but gets his legs cut out from underhim on that. Trend Micro will accept software from 1995 to satisfy their $20 upgrade rebate. If you run out on your wedding claiming to be abducted and admit to lying about it all -- you get a two year felony charge....and the dope will still want to marry you.
In related news, if you're in the street and a car is coming at you...jumping out of the way is better than putting your arms out like your going to slow it down a little. And if you are looking for an IT professional, I can be at least one of them.

Now...look over to your right...I've added two button links....the first one is a your pin and sign it would you? And the other is a daily cartoon...which are funny most of the time.